
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Half-Life Zombie M-series. Happy Thanksgiving!

 Here is a papercraft of a Zombie from Half-Life.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Happy 25th Half-Life! Gordon Freeman Papercraft.

 Legendary Valve shooter HALF-LIFE turned 25 on the 19th! Here is a papercraft of Gordon Freeman from the acclaimed franchise! (Gordon will have a card in the upcoming booster.)

Friday, November 17, 2023

AI fold 01 Mega Man Zero

 Here is a hand drawn papercraft based of an AI generated image of "Mega Man Zero"

The image was created using Microsoft designer. enjoy! (Sorry that the colors are a little off... my sharpies can be deceiving.)

Here is the original image.


 Big announcement. Today I will be beginning work on 2 new HUGE papercraft series.  


AI FOLD: AI fold will be me taking artificial intelligence generated images and turning them into papercrafts! the images were created by Microsoft Designer. (Bing AI) (FYI only the Reference material was Ai generated. the papercrafts are still my original art.)

Here are a few of my favorites. (I will caption the command given to the AI)

(Make an image of a papercraft Atlas and P-body from Portal 2)
The AI kind of swapped them. Atlas is supposed to be the short one.

(Make an image of a papercraft Halo Covenant elite)
Happy accident. I asked for one of the enemies. but I got Master Chief.

(Make an image of a papercraft Miles Morales)
wish this suit was in the game.

(Make an image of a papercraft enderman holding a player)
I like the purple.

(Make an image of a papercraft Mega Man zero with a z-saber)
Notice the Mario and Pikachu in the background.

REDUX: Redux will be me creating papercraft versions of my favorite characters in my own way. In other words, I will redesign characters and do papercraft versions of the remakes. For example, I would make a different Miles Morales Suit or a more robotic Mega Man. or a new Enderman. I hope you will enjoy it.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Friday, November 10, 2023

Phase 1 Clone ARC Trooper Papercraft

 I'M BACK! Got back into the groove and out of the creator's block! Here is a hand drawn Phase 1 Clone ARC Trooper papercraft. enjoy! (once again this will have a card in the next booster.)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Minecraft Dungeons Wargen papercraft.

 Here is a papercraft of the Wargen hero. This papercraft will include a card in the upcoming booster. enjoy! 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Headless horseman M-series

 Here is a papercraft of the headless horseman. (This was meant for October, but I never had a chance to get it up.) enjoy!

Spider Man 2099 Papecraft

 Here is a papercraft of Spider-Man 2099 from Across the Spider-Verse. enjoy! (Note: I apologize for the lack of posts. I have a sort of creator's block and can't seem to get back into making these. also, I have put a lot of papercrafts in the Craftcombat section, but they have no cards. I will put them into a Booster pack along with the new Rulebook I am working on.)